Speaking Engagements
Speaking Engagement Insurance:
You’ve picked the location, set the date, sold booths to vendors and booked the main act. Now it’s time to execute a flawless event. Events are fun, fast-paced, and beneficial for all who attend. It can be a little nerve racking at times, when the beverage order needs to be changed, or the food you were going to supply now needs a tweak.
Overall the job of an event organizer is demanding, yet rewarding. Seeing the faces of people light up when they get to the event and everything appears perfect, is priceless. Hearing the testimonials after the event is executed is fulfilling to the core.
Attendees don’t always see the effort and moving parts behind the scenes of an event. Event insurance for speaking engagements is a crucial component for managing any kind of event.
Event insurance is purchased for the accidents that could occur either to a person attending the event or damage that may occur to the property. Should a person slip and fall while entering into the main room at the event, event insurance will protect the event organizer if held liable for the bodily injury incident.
Vendors attending an event or tradeshow should also purchase event insurance, to protect against accidents that may happen, such as a person tripping over a cord at the booth.
Many venues require the organizing party and/or it’s vendors to provide proof of event insurance prior to executing the agreement.
Event Insurance Coverage Highlights
- General Liability: Bodily injury and property damage coverage
- Limits start at $1,000,000 occurrence / $3,000,000 aggregate
- Optional Increase to $2,000,000 occurrence / $4,000,000 aggregate
$0 Deductible- Damage to Rented Premises Coverage:
$100,000 - Host Liquor Liability Included in all policies
- Additional Insured coverage available for venues, sponsors, etc.
- Premiums start at $175 and vary based on event type and size
The CPH Way
What Makes Us Different
Because our business is specialized, we are able to focus on your liability needs in a way that bigger companies are not. Our team of associates represent over 50 years of collective experience in this field, and we are able to serve a large client base while maintaining a small-office approach.




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