Nancy Brent

Who Can Give Informed Consent and What is the Nurse’s Role in Obtaining Consent for Treatment?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 15, 2015 Nurses are often confused as to what their role is when obtaining consent...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

How Does Contract Law Affect Nurses?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 15, 2013 Contract law involves promises, either current or in the future, that are enforceable...

Nancy Brent

Have You read it Recently?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 1, 2013 The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements  1...

Nancy Brent

What is Delegation and to Whom Should I Delegate Aspects of Nursing Care?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - March 15, 2013 One author has stated that the delegation of patient care, the assignment of...

Nancy Brent

What Does it Mean to “Testify Under Oath?”

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - February 15, 2013 If you have ever given a deposition, either as a witness or as...

Nancy Brent

Which is it: Assault or Battery?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - January 15, 2015 The words “assault” and “battery” are often used and often interchanged.  However, in...

Nancy Brent

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