Richard Leslie
Keeping Your License – Some Thoughts
Avoiding Liability Bulletin - March 2016 The most valuable business asset you have is your license. While I have known...
Richard Leslie May 24, 2016Keeping Your License – Brief Follow-up
Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 2016 Shortly after writing the March 2016 Bulletin, where I wrote about “driving under the...
Richard LeslieLiability for the Acts of Others
Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2007 Most private practitioners practice as sole proprietors. Some sole proprietors may unwittingly expose themselves...
Richard LeslieWaiving the Copayment: Part 1
Avoiding Liability Bulletin - October 2010 If a patient with insurance coverage is unable to afford his or her portion...
Richard LeslieWaiving the Copayment: Part 2
Avoiding Liability Bulletin - November 2010 This topic was discussed in the last Avoiding Liability Bulletin (October 2010). It raised...
Richard LeslieTreating Children
Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July 2005 … When can a therapist or counselor treat or provide other services to a...
Richard Leslie