Mental and Allied Health Resources

Psychology Today will give you everything you need to get found by clients online. Your listing will track each client call and show you every referral. Your CPH policy gets you a FREE first-time listing for 6 months in Psychology Today’s Therapy Directory – compliments of CPH Insurance.

The National Psychologist is a psychologist publication geared to educate of issues in practice such as compliance, ethic popular case studies and more!

TherapySites specializes in creating websites designed for therapists that are professional, affordable and effective. All you pay is a monthly hosting fee of $59/month with no long-term contracts. CPH policy holders receive two months of free website services and one month free of telehealth with TherapySites. To opt-in, select the promotion upon applying or renewing your policy online!

Therapy Partner is the #1 choice for online credit card storage & processing among psychologists and therapists nationwide! Receive a $295 value including the following:
- 60-day free trial
- One hour free business of practice consultation
- Waived enrollment fee