Avoiding Liability Blog

Tag Archives: avoiding liability as a mental health professional

Child Abuse Reporting-Signed Statement Required?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin – May 2018 State law (likely part of the child abuse reporting law) may require persons who...

Richard Leslie May 1, 2018

Payment for Supervision

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 2010 The issue of payment for supervision is once again being raised in California with...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Dual Relationships 2

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2014 NOTE: In the February 2014 issue of the Avoiding Liability Bulletin, I raised many...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Psychiatrist Shoots Patient

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - September 2014 In a recent issue of the Avoiding Liability Bulletin (March 2014), I asked whether...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Child Abuse Reporting 2

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2005  … A man punches a pregnant woman in the stomach. If the therapist finds...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Child Abuse Reporting – Neglect

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - November 2005  … When thinking about your reporting duties regarding child abuse, don’t forget about neglect....

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

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