Avoiding Liability Blog

Tag Archives: Avoiding Liability For Mental Health Professionals

Disciplinary Actions

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July 2005 … State regulatory boards, as part of their enforcement duties, have various options with...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Licensing and Certification

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - September 2005 … What is the basic difference between a licensing act and a certification act...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Negligence vs. Gross Negligence

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - February 2006 … What is the difference between the two? Why does it matter? As to...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Scope of Competence

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - February 2007 … Licensing laws, regulations, and/or ethics codes will typically contain provisions that prohibit practitioners...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Scope of License

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - February 2007 … Each licensed mental health professional and other licensees are governed by a licensing...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Mandatory Continuing Education – Does it work?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - December 2007 … Most states require some form of mandatory continuing education in order for licensees...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

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