Avoiding Liability Blog

Tag Archives: avoiding liability for nursing professionals

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Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 1, 2013 The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements  1...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

What is Delegation and to Whom Should I Delegate Aspects of Nursing Care?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - March 15, 2013 One author has stated that the delegation of patient care, the assignment of...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

What Does it Mean to “Testify Under Oath?”

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - February 15, 2013 If you have ever given a deposition, either as a witness or as...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

Which is it: Assault or Battery?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - January 15, 2015 The words “assault” and “battery” are often used and often interchanged.  However, in...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

How do I Understand a Legal Citation?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - January 1, 2013 In many of the bulletins, I have presented a case and its legal...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

Taking Stock of This Year

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - December 15, 2012 It hardly seems possible that another year is about to be over.  And,...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

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