Avoiding Liability Blog

Tag Archives: avoiding liability for nursing professionals

Why Does Continuing Education Help With Risk Management?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - August 1, 2012 In recent years, many states have required licensed nurses, sometimes including all levels...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

How Open Communications Within the Health Care Facility Reduces Liability

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July 15, 2012 Health care delivery requires a plethora of communication among and between all facility...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

How Does a Job Description Help You Avoid Professional Liability?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July 1, 2012 When applying for a position in any health care setting and in any...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

What Discipline Can a Board of Nursing Impose Against a Nurse Licensee?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 15, 2012 If allegations against a nurse are proven, or he or she admits to...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

What Conduct by a Nurse Licensee Would Allow the Board of Nursing to Take Disciplinary Action Against a Nurse?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 1, 2012 This bulletin discusses some of the grounds upon which a board can take...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

What’s Involved in Getting Informed Consent for Treatment?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - June 1, 2013 The last Bulletin spelled out your role in obtaining informed consent for treatment...

Nancy Brent August 31, 2012

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