Avoiding Liability Blog

Tag Archives: avoiding liability for nursing professionals

Professional Malpractice or Simple Negligence?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - June 2015 When a patient is injured or dies due to the conduct of health care...

Nancy Brent May 26, 2016

Case Study Part 1 – June 2015

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - June 2015 I’m sure you have all had to care for “problem” patients during your nursing...

Nancy Brent May 26, 2016

Case Study Part 2 – July 2015

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July 2015 You may recall that one of June’s bulletins was a case study about Mary...

Nancy Brent May 26, 2016

Nurse Registry or Agency Work

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July 15,2015 As has been discussed in prior Professional Liability Bulletins, when a nurse has allegedly...

Nancy Brent May 26, 2016

Criminal Patient Care in the ED

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - August 1, 2015 As an ED nurse, you understand what the ED nurse in the following...

Nancy Brent May 26, 2016

Interpreter Services and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - September 15, 2015 A male patient, who is deaf and uses American Sign Language (ASL) as...

Nancy Brent May 26, 2016

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