CPH Insurance

The Exposure of Cyber Coaching on the internet to liability

Cyber coaching is a new way of both doing business and providing a necessary service to the public in the...

CPH Insurance June 16, 2016

Nursing Professionals – The Generational Gap

Nursing is the largest healthcare profession, with more than 3.1 million registered nurses nationwide, and approximately 2.6 million RN’s are...

CPH Insurance

The Affordable Care Act to Increase Mental Health Services

What would you consider essential healthcare services? Ambulance? Hospitalization? How about treatment for the mentally ill or for substance use?...

CPH Insurance

New Protected Health Information Changes From HIPAA

With the new HIPAA guidelines that have been put into action on September 23, 2013, it’s important to understand what...

CPH Insurance

How Can I Get Quick, Secure Professional Liability Coverage?

Professional Liability Insurance coverage is an essential for every mental & allied health professional as well as wellness & fitness...

CPH Insurance

Adding on to Your Policy – When to Add an Additional Insured & How to Do It!

There are two types of add-ons you can make to tailor your policy to your needs. It’s important to keep...

CPH Insurance

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