David Herbert

Scope of Practice Issues for Fitness Professionals

Fitness professionals are presently not regulated by any United States jurisdiction except in Louisiana which currently regulates Clinical Exercise Physiologists...

David Herbert June 15, 2016

Proper Placement of Exercise Equipment is Important for Client Safety and to Avoid Suit

A June 2015 case from California should remind all fitness professionals to comply with equipment manufacturers’ instructions when assembling, placing...

David Herbert

Placement of Treadmills – Consult Industry Standards

In the last article posted on this site, I provided some analysis as to why the placement of exercise equipment...

David Herbert

Health and Fitness Standards: Use Them to Provide Appropriate Client Care and to Avoid Claim & Suit

Written standards of practice, sometimes referred to as parameters of practice or even guidelines, are important to provide acceptable levels...

David Herbert

The Intake Process for Fitness Clients – Signing Clients Up for Service

The intake process for fitness clients begins when prospective clients come into a fitness facility seeking fitness service and advice. ...

David Herbert

Screening Process

Once the client intake process begins for any fitness or personal training program and after the contract and waiver of...

David Herbert

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