Avoiding Liability Blog

Do You Know Your ABC’s…?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - August 2020 Note: This article was first published in August 2013. It appears here with minor...

Richard Leslie July 31, 2020

The Use of Waivers of Liability by Health and Fitness Trainers/Facilities to Protect Against COVID-19 Infection Claims and Litigation

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July 2020 As of the date of writing this article, more than 3 million Americans have...

Guest Author July 30, 2020


Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July 2020 I thought I might have a bit of fun going back to my ABCs...

Richard Leslie July 1, 2020

TELEHEALTH AND COVID 19 – Thoughts and Outlook

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - June 2020 TELEHEALTH AND COVID 19 – Thoughts and Outlook As a result of the coronavirus...

Richard Leslie June 1, 2020

Selling or Recommending Supplements? Know Your Risk

SELLING OR RECOMMENDING SUPPLEMENTS? KNOW YOUR RISK Many clubs, fitness facilities, fitness professionals and personal trainers have added the sale...

CPH Insurance May 6, 2020

Answers to April Review

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2020 NOTE: In the April 2020 issue of this Avoiding Liability Bulletin, I asked twenty...

Richard Leslie May 1, 2020

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