Avoiding Liability Blog

Law and Ethics: Questions to Ponder, Continued & Confidentiality – Insurance Reimbursement

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2016 In the April 2016 issue of this Avoiding Liability Bulletin, I asked whether the practitioner’s...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Non-Compete Clauses

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - March 2009 … Counselors and therapists may be employed by any number of business entities (e.g.,...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Emotional Abuse of Children

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2010 …A recent article in the newspaper drew my attention to the issue of psychological...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Elder Abuse

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2005 … Make sure that you know what the definition of an “elder” (or similar...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Elder Abuse / Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - March 2006 Elder abuse reporting can be a tricky area for some and may at times...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Elder Abuse Reporting

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - February 2009 An interesting question that arises from time to time occurs when an elder tells...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

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