Avoiding Liability Blog

Immunity From Liability

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - October 2006 In the April 2005 (Volume 2) issue of the Avoiding Liability Bulletin I wrote...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Suicide / Self Harm – The Practitioner’s Role

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - December 2008 … Occasionally I am asked to opine on the subject of a mental health...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

The Dangerous Patient

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 2011 ... The topic of dangerous patient bears revisiting from time to time, both because...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

“Duty To Warn”

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - June 2012 … Only (my tongue is firmly implanted in cheek) thirty-six years after the landmark...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

The Dangerous Patient – Again!

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - September 2012 … Two separate events spurred me to once again write about this topic. First,...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Preventing Gun & Other Violence…The Dangerous Patient

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - March 2013 With the President, Vice-President, and Congress focusing on the prevention of gun violence as...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

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