Avoiding Liability Blog
Avoiding Liability Bulletin


PSYCHOTHERAPIST-PATIENT SEX -Retrospective and Perspective

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - September 2019 In the late 1980’s I asked a question of a group of therapists who...

Richard Leslie September 4, 2019

Scope of License / Child Abuse Reporting  / Signed Authorization to Release Confidential Information

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - July/August 2019 SCOPE OF LICENSE Professional liability claims arising from services provided by a physician are...

Richard Leslie July 15, 2019

Emancipated Minors and Child Abuse | Abuse of a Spouse – Can It Ever Be Lawfully Reported By The Practitioner?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - June 2019 EMANCIPATED MINORS AND CHILD ABUSE In last month’s Avoiding Liability Bulletin, I wrote about...

Richard Leslie June 1, 2019

Scope of License / Failure to Report Child Abuse

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2019 SCOPE OF LICENSE - Questions to Ponder Malpractice (professional liability) insurance does not typically...

Richard Leslie May 1, 2019

Fees – Reminders

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - April 2019 Mental health practitioners confront a variety of issues dealing with fees over the course...

Richard Leslie April 1, 2019

Patient Reveals Sex With Prior Therapist – Protecting the Public?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - March 2019 In California, when a patient reveals to a psychotherapist that during the course of...

Richard Leslie March 1, 2019

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