Avoiding Liability Blog
Avoiding Liability Bulletin


Authorization Forms

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - September 2005 … When you receive an authorization form from another, allowing you to release information...

Richard Leslie May 24, 2016

Patient Treatment Records and Ownership

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - September 2005 … One of the common questions asked is who is the owner of treatment...

Richard Leslie

Treatment Records

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - November 2005 … Therapists and counselors should recognize that good record keeping practices will often serve...

Richard Leslie

Treating Children

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - January 2006 … One of the issues that therapists and counselors face when the patient is...

Richard Leslie

Records – Stolen, Lost or Destroyed

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - May 2006 … A supervisee is receiving off-site supervision (assuming it is legal and appropriate in...

Richard Leslie

Keeping Treatment Records

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - October 2006 … While I have previously written about record keeping issues (see Bulletin Archives, primarily...

Richard Leslie

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