Malpractice Insurance
Frequently Asked Questions
Claims and Risk Management
If you are a member of a professional association such as AAMFT, CAMFT, AMHCA or ACA, we recommend to first always call your professional association. Many of them have attorneys on staff and can provide legal and ethical guidance as well as share with you valuable practical experience they have gathered from other members who may have experienced similar dilemmas. Do not underestimate the value of your professional association as a practical resource and advocate on your behalf!
If you are a current policyholder in our Allied/Mental Health program, you can also call CPH Insurance at 800-875-1911. Depending on the nature of your question, we may be able to set up a phone appointment with an attorney with our “Avoiding Liability Helpline.” “Helpline” calls are limited to 2 hours per policy year.
Please visit our Legal Resources page for more information about resources available to our policyholders.
First, determine whether or not you were insured with CPH Insurance at the time of the incident or treatment that led to the complaint or claim. You must have been insured with CPH Insurance at the time of the incident in order for coverage under this policy to apply.
Log into your customer portal account to report a claim:
- Click the My Account button above to log into your CPH customer portal account
- Once in the portal, go to Report a Claim to complete an Initial Incident Report or Subpoena Notification Form
- If you electronically report your claim, it will be automatically sent to CPH
- If you choose to print the PDF form and manually submit it to CPH, you can scan and email the form to or fax to 312-987-0902
*These forms are used not only to notify us in the event of a situation that may lead (or has led) to a claim or suit but also to collect other policy benefits such as reimbursement for deposition expenses or licensing board investigation expenses.