Specialized Activity Program Leads to Suit Against Personal Trainer and Gym
Avoiding Liability Bulletin – May 2018 In a very recent case from New Jersey,[1] the Plaintiff, a wheelchair bound quadriplegic,...
David Herbert May 1, 2018Might You or Your Employer Be Liable if a Patient Signs Out Against Medical Advice (AMA)?
Avoiding Liability Bulletin – May 1, 2018 One of the recurring questions I have been asked during my years of...
Nancy Brent May 1, 2018Causation an Essential Element of Professional Negligence Suit
Avoiding Liability Bulletin – April 15, 2018 You may recall from previous Bulletins that there are four essential elements of...
Nancy Brent April 16, 2018When It Comes To Patient Safety, Don’t Overlook The Basics
Avoiding Liability Bulletin – April 1, 2018 Patient safety is a never-ending legal obligation for you, regardless of your role...
Nancy Brent April 3, 2018Mental Illness, Guns and Dangerous Patients
Avoiding Liability Bulletin – April 2018 It seems that every time there is a mass shooting event, followed by an...
Richard Leslie April 3, 2018Personal Trainers Take Note: Screening Standards Have Changed
Avoiding Liability Bulletin – April 2018 In late 2015, we reminded personal trainers and other fitness professionals of their obligation...
David Herbert April 3, 2018