Avoiding Liability Blog

Personal Trainers – Be Careful in Expanding Services

According to recent industry reports from IDEA, many personal trainers are expanding their client service offerings into areas apart from...

David Herbert August 3, 2016

Expert Witness Affidavits Must Contain Specific Facts Either Supporting or Not Supporting Standard of Care

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - August 1, 2016 In Griffin v. Methodist Hospital 1, a patient’s lengthy stay in the hospital...

Nancy Brent August 1, 2016

Federal Regulations and Guidelines for Client Access to Records

*An earlier version of the article did not include a statement that the definition of a “covered entity” was applicable...

Guest Author July 22, 2016

Mindfulness: Self-awareness vs. Self-criticism

The beginning of a new year traditionally is a time of fresh starts and planned improvements in one’s life.  While...

Guest Author July 22, 2016

Transparency Without Overexposure, Boundaries Without Remoteness

We therapists are paid to be nosey—in a professional way, of course.  We get to ask strangers we’ve just met...

Guest Author July 22, 2016

When Death Threatens Someone Close to the Therapist – What to Expect – Really, not Ideally

We know how to deal with grief in our clients/patients.  We know how to help someone who is very ill...

Guest Author July 22, 2016

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