Avoiding Liability Blog

Pilates + Park + Picnic = Party! International Picnic Day is June 18th

Pilates in the park isn’t a new idea – plenty of fitness trainers move large classes outdoors when warm weather...

CPH Insurance July 20, 2016

Nutrition Spotlight – Nima, the Gluten-Detecting Device

Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the consumption of gluten can lead to damage of the small intestines, abdominal...

CPH Insurance July 20, 2016

Hydration Beyond H2o

We as WellFit Professionals know how important it is to stay hydrated. Our bodies are about 60 percent water, therefore,...

CPH Insurance July 20, 2016

Fitness Could be the Best Father’s Day Gift Ever!

June 13-19 is Men’s Health Week, and June 19 is Father’s Day. What better time to give dear old dad...

CPH Insurance July 20, 2016

An Apple a Day

We’ve all heard the term “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but what are the true health benefits...

CPH Insurance July 20, 2016

Guest Blog – Why You Don’t Need to Suffer from Asthma

Asthma causes an obstruction of the airways. Muscle spasms constrict the bronchi, which prevent exhalation. Breathing is difficult. Most people...

Guest Author July 20, 2016

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