Avoiding Liability Blog

Sandy Hook Elementary School

As we reflect on another mass shooting, we find tragically that in all of the mass killings, which go back...

CPH Insurance June 15, 2016

Legal Model for Reintegration Therapy

In domestic relations and custody cases, courts may order that a therapist assist in reuniting a child and parent, when...

CPH Insurance June 15, 2016

Responding to Requests for Children’s Treatment Records

Special care should be taken by therapists when a child is receiving counseling services, and the child’s parent requests a...

Guest Author June 15, 2016

Age of Consent for Mental Health Treatment in the State of Georgia

In general, Georgia law provides that the age of majority is 18 years, and every person under 18 is a...

Guest Author June 15, 2016

The Right to Diagnose for Texas MFTs

For updated content related to this matter, please visit our blog titled "Update: The Texas Association for Marriage & Family...

Guest Author June 15, 2016

Update: The Texas Association for Marriage & Family Therapist Case

This blog is an update to our previously posted blog outlining the current case in Texas regarding the Right to...

Guest Author June 15, 2016

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