Avoiding Liability Blog
Risk Management


Avoiding a Lawsuit as a Marriage Counselor

Many couples wait until their relationships are strained to consider marriage therapy. In many situations, they are already dealing with...

CPH Insurance June 16, 2016

The Exposure of Cyber Coaching on the internet to liability

Cyber coaching is a new way of both doing business and providing a necessary service to the public in the...

CPH Insurance

How Can I Get Quick, Secure Professional Liability Coverage?

Professional Liability Insurance coverage is an essential for every mental & allied health professional as well as wellness & fitness...

CPH Insurance

Professional Liability in the Addictions Field

Addiction is one of the most misunderstood areas of mental health. Alcoholism and drug abuse counselors are a brave group...

CPH Insurance

Preventing a False Malpractice Claim

Many times in mental health, professionals experience encounters with patients who perceive slights against them, when in reality, there are no...

CPH Insurance

Human Errors Happen in Healthcare More Often Than You Think

Your coworker shows up hung over. No crime… They’re not legally drunk. You both laugh about her adventure from the...

CPH Insurance

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