Avoiding Liability Blog

2017 Marketing Resolutions for Personal Trainers

Becoming a sought after personal trainer requires hard work, motivation, excellence in both training and client care, and the ability...

CPH Insurance January 19, 2017

How To Maintain Your New Year Fitness Resolutions

After weeks of celebrating the holidays, many gyms see their memberships double in January. People join the gym with aspirations...

Guest Author January 18, 2017

Have your Personal Trainer Clients all Undergone Proper Screening?

Being a personal fitness trainer isn’t as simple as just training clients who show up. You also have a responsibility...

CPH Insurance January 18, 2017

9 Mental Health Resolutions for the New Year

Not all New Year’s resolutions focus on finances, weight, and general health, some extend to mental health as well. Here...

CPH Insurance January 17, 2017

Trainer Spotlight – Ryan Morton

Ryan has been practicing yoga for about 6 years, but within the last 3 years, yoga has become a consistent...

CPH Insurance January 16, 2017

Know, And Follow, Your “Chain of Command”

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - January 15, 2017 There is no doubt that whether you are a nursing student, a novice nurse...

Nancy Brent January 16, 2017

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