Avoiding Liability Blog

Ethics – Enforcement

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - December 2016 What is the difference between an ethics violation and a violation of a state law...

Richard Leslie December 1, 2016

BollyX® Spotlight: Interview with Fen Tung, Product Director of BollyX®

BollyX® is a Bollywood-inspired cardio dance fitness program that encompasses dynamic choreography with the hottest music from around the world....

CPH Insurance November 26, 2016

4 Mental Health Tricks you can Play on Yourself

If you struggle from time to time with a vague feeling of anxiety, and recognize the signs of needing a...

CPH Insurance November 26, 2016

Protect your Mental Health During the Holidays

For much of America, Thanksgiving is the holiday when families come together for a reunion full of joy and thankfulness....

CPH Insurance November 26, 2016

Portion Control – the Key to Losing Weight Safely

With Thanksgiving this week, trying to maintain a healthy nutrition plan can be hard! Your clients may be striving to...

CPH Insurance November 22, 2016

Trouble Sleeping at Night? These Six Tips Can Help!

If you have sleep issues, you aren’t alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-third...

CPH Insurance November 17, 2016

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