Avoiding Liability Blog

Putting the “Fun” in Functional Training: Getting Clients on Board and Enthused

Have you been trying to introduce functional training to your clients, but they just don’t “get” it? Functional training is...

CPH Insurance July 22, 2016

Fruit and Hydration go Hand in Hand during the Summer Months

Fruit and Hydration go Hand in Hand during the Summer Months It’s summer time and that means heat and sweat...

CPH Insurance July 22, 2016

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) & Emergency Response Concerns for Personal Trainers

In the last column of this CPH Bulletin, we provided several emergency response tips for personal trainers dealing with clients...

David Herbert July 21, 2016

In Recognition of D-Day – Peace, Love, and Yoga

In remembrance of the turning point of the Second World War, D-Day has become synonymous with bravery but is also...

CPH Insurance July 20, 2016

Exercise Your Right to Defend Should a Lawsuit Occur

As a personal trainer, it may seem challenging to get clients to feel motivated to lead a healthy and active...

CPH Insurance July 20, 2016

Educating Your Clients on How to Work Out During Their Vacation

Even when you are on vacation and away from your gym or fitness studio, keeping up with a workout routine should...

CPH Insurance July 20, 2016

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