Avoiding Liability Blog

Families – Always a Factor

It was already a truism in mental health circles more than sixty years ago: when a “problem” child is brought...

Guest Author November 4, 2016

Spotlight Interview – Leslie Kelly

Leslie Kelly is a certified TRX Circuit Trainer at a boutique gym, TrainSmarter located in Birmingham, AL. TrainSmarter is a...

CPH Insurance November 4, 2016

Taking Vital Signs: A Mundane Responsibility?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - November 1, 2016 It does not matter in which role you practice nursing—R.N., APRN, nursing student or...

Nancy Brent November 2, 2016

Advertising, Options for Patient Request for Copy of Records & Holding Insurers Accountable

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - November 2016 ADVERTISING   Advertising is one way in which therapists and counselors can attempt to...

Richard Leslie November 1, 2016

The Connection Between Diet and Mental Health

With the stress of the workplace or school, money, responsibilities, and added personal issues, the mental health of many people...

CPH Insurance October 25, 2016

Trainer Spotlight: Toccara Daniel

Toccara Daniel is a personal trainer, exercise physiologist, and group fitness instructor who currently works at Loyola University Medical Center/Trinity...

CPH Insurance October 21, 2016

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