Avoiding Liability Blog

The Best Pre and Post Workout Snacks

Aside from stretching, eating before a workout plays the largest role in how successful your workout will be. While your...

CPH Insurance October 20, 2016

3 Fun Kids’ Fitness Ideas for Halloween

Fitness isn’t just for young adults and people looking to lose weight! Kids can benefit greatly from regular exercise, and...

CPH Insurance October 18, 2016

Personal Trainers and Nutritional Supplements – Sell or Don’t Sell?

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - October 2016 The sale of vitamins, nutritional supplements, sports drinks and other similar consumables is big business...

David Herbert October 17, 2016

Patient Care by Student Nurses Can Result in Liability

Avoiding Liability Bulletin - October 15, 2016 As a student nurse, you probably know all too well that if a patient...

Nancy Brent October 17, 2016

Five Ways to Help Clients Psych Themselves into Working Out

Getting started working out is the hardest part! When the ordinary Joe or Jane starts talking to fitness enthusiasts or...

CPH Insurance October 13, 2016

Be One of the Five Clients Fitness Trainers Love

It’s very hard to change your eating habits and schedule to incorporate a healthier lifestyle. However, your fitness trainer has...

CPH Insurance October 11, 2016

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