Avoiding Liability Blog

Too Much Cardio Can Make You GAIN Weight?

Most of you have probably already taken a baseball bat to your stationary bike and treadmill and threw them down...

CPH Insurance June 16, 2016

WellFit: What’s Your Story? Aaron Manheimer

As a celebration of our launch of the WellFit Wellness and Fitness Liability Insurance program, over the next months, we...

Guest Author June 16, 2016

So, How “Covered” Is a Personal Trainer/Instructor?

If you work in Wellness and Fitness, chances are, Liability Insurance is not something that is on the forefront of...

CPH Insurance June 16, 2016

What’s the Deal With Shin Splints?

If you are a runner, or play any kind of sport that involves running, there is a very good chance...

CPH Insurance June 16, 2016

You May be Fit, But Are You Military-Fit?

Ok, so the term “Boot Camp” is now used for a variety of non-military exercise routines at your local gyms...

CPH Insurance June 16, 2016

Let’s Do Bench Press!

A few weeks ago, we featured some information about the importance and benefits of strength training in your workout routine....

CPH Insurance June 16, 2016

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