How to Tackle That Scary, Intimidating Gym: Part 1

Regardless of what the reason is, whether it’s to look a bit tighter in the midsection with summer coming up,...

CPH Insurance June 16, 2016

How to Tackle That Scary, Intimidating Gym: Part 2

Last week, we wrote about what it takes to get over the fear and intimidation of gyms, and how to...

CPH Insurance

Lifting Heavy Weights is NOT Just for Men

When it comes to fitness and personal training, there are a lot of misconceptions that everybody from the casual gym...

CPH Insurance

Too Much Cardio Can Make You GAIN Weight?

Most of you have probably already taken a baseball bat to your stationary bike and treadmill and threw them down...

CPH Insurance

WellFit: What’s Your Story? Aaron Manheimer

As a celebration of our launch of the WellFit Wellness and Fitness Liability Insurance program, over the next months, we...

Guest Author

So, How “Covered” Is a Personal Trainer/Instructor?

If you work in Wellness and Fitness, chances are, Liability Insurance is not something that is on the forefront of...

CPH Insurance

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